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Champion Puppy Training Podcast

Want a well mannerly, socialized and responsive dog?   I'll teach you how to turn your problematic puppy into a Champion!

Feb 22, 2019

In this Podcast I give you VERY SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS on how to get your puppy to poop outside every time.  For me it is not enough to have my clients puppies going to the bathroom outside.  It is of vital importance you bring your puppy outside and it goes to the bathroom quickly and efficiently.   

You NEED to get...

Feb 8, 2019

In this Podcast I cover:

  • Excitement Pee
  • Managing Water Intake
  • Why Pee Pee Pads are the Worst
  • Signs your Puppy has to Pee
  • When does your Puppy have to Pee
  • How to wean off of the Potty Training Regimen


If you are loving this podcast and want more free resources go to: here you'll find my...

Feb 1, 2019

Excited to train your puppy?  Good, me too! Keep these points in mind as we journey through your puppy's development together! 

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